Monday, December 8, 2008

Locks of Love

In Loving Memory of her Aunt Jennie...


bethany said...

Such a giving girl!

Darcie Johnson said...

What a fantastic Gift!! I love her new "DO".

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful! My mom used to do this!

Great job momma!

dclouser said...

The title brought tears to my eyes. Alex looks darling, even though I absolutely loved her long hair. It will grow back.

CrossView said...

Beautiful gift in memeory of a beautiful aunt!

And the new style looks perfect on that sweet face!

@nnie said...

I wrote this long comment out last night and then our power went out because of a freak hailstorm. No hail damage though!

Anyway, what I wanted to say is that your daughter is truly a giving child. The first pic of her long hair is amazing. That's a lot to give up. She is beautiful with short hair too. Please pass it on that people out here are touched by her decision. I will be showing this to my two girls tonight.

Have a great day!!!

4 Lettre Words said...

What a sweetie!

I donated 12" after I had Sam and plan to do it again. (My hubby loves my long hair right now!)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, that is AWESOME!

I still regret that Gracie was an inch shy for Locks of Love last year. I wish I would have turned us around and come back in two months. Grace will be tickled to see that they both share the same hair-do now.

Krisella A. Chua said...
