Monday, December 1, 2008

Calling All Subs

I have finally found the pitfall in homeschooling: When Mom is sick, there's no calling in a sub. I'm not deathly ill, just annoyingly so. Still, I didn't feel like recommencing School; however, Duty calls, so I did what I had to, albeit a little differently. The three older kids did all of their core work independently early this morning while I was still trying to get myself together. Alex usually does most, if not all, of her work independently, but this is new for the boys. I told them to ask her if they didn't understand something. They did well, although my easily distracted one failed to do his phonics or math. I discovered this tonight after dinner when I finally got around to checking their work. I asked him why he hadn't completed the work. He said he didn't know how. I asked him who he was supposed to ask if he didn't know how to do something. He told me his sister. "Why didn't you ask her?" I then asked. It was a rhetorical question; I know he'd rather do anything than ask his sister for help.

We started our second Little House book and read the first two chapters. Sometimes I forget to check the shelves before I buy things. (This holds true for items in the kitchen as well as items which pertain to schooling.) Consequently, we have two copies of Little House on the Prairie. Which actually works out great because I read from one copy and pass the other copy around so the three kids can follow along and take turns reading. Feels sort of like we're actually in a classroom, plus it gives my tired throat a rest and helps them practice their reading.

Mustangs were a theme that came up in the story, and, rather than tax my almost-gone voice more by reading to the kids about mustangs, I had Alex do some research herself. After her research, she wrote a report which she then shared with all of us. She did a great job. Such a great job, in fact, that I'm thinking I don't need a full-fledged substitute teacher when I've got her. Now if I can just get Michael to ask her for help.


CrossView said...

Awwww! Hope you feel better soon!

It's especially hard when they're younger. But I'm bad, I'm was happy to pop in a movie... =P

Now that my baby isn't really a baby I can get sick and she can get her work done. Now there's something to look forward to, eh??!! LOL!

CrossView said...

"I" not "I'm".

I'm was....

I'm is....

I'm are....