Thursday, November 20, 2008

This One's for You...

...CrossView and ourgoldenapples. Alright, so I've done it. I've started my story. You asked for it, so don't blame me! You can find the story's beginnings at Growing Up MK. I can't promise this new site will be properly maintained because...

1. I'm maintaining 2, now 3, public blogs and 1 private one. If you haven't checked #2, I'm counting UP A Thousand Blessings. The private one dispenses my deepest thoughts as I journal my quiet times, and it's between me and God. And sometimes the Mr. if he's traveling and wishes to know my heart.

2. I'm trying to stay two steps ahead of a student who is taking English II through Write4Homeschool, even though the class isn't finished. I only hope my children have her drive and work ethic because she's always right on my heels.

3. Oh, and there are also these 4 little people I'm supposed to be learnin' real good.

4. And a house to keep up for the 100s of people who are just itching to get in, see the place, and then snatch it up before the next guy.

But you know what? I'm so glad you all (there, that's one step closer to my just coming out and sayin' ya'll) prodded me into doing this because I am having so much fun visiting my past. That sounded really sarcastic, but it's not. I may only have one post completed on Growing Up MK, but my Bloggy Brain has captured much more. I know because It was busy retrieving and capturing until about 2:00 this morning. Laying in bed, composing in my head is not my ideal night's sleep. But it could also have been the Excedrin Tension I took yesterday evening. The box says it has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Since I don't drink coffee, I'm sure the gel caps were a jolt to the system. And what with the way I'm rambling on this morning, you may think the effects haven't yet worn off. Perhaps I should consider the Excedrin Tension gel cap to be my first-thing-in-the-morning pill since I have no cup o' Joe to rely upon. Then I could be going on in this Faulkner-esque way all day. Not that I am comparing myself to Faulkner, although I never really quite got what the big deal was with him anyway.

It's going to be a great day. Imagine if I taught the kids in this frame of mind. 'Course they'd probably get it better than anyone; they're kids, and looks like my attention span is a match today. Hope you enjoy my new old adventures.


CrossView said...

I can't wait to head over there! Woo Hoo! The tidbits I've gleaned are fascinating... =D

But *sigh* it's "y'all" -
you know, a contraction for
you + all?
Don't throw anything at me! =P

And how can you NOT use it??!! It's so all encompassing!

And how can you not drink coffee?

See? All these fascinating tidbits about you!

But I bet your system has gone into overdrive! LOL! Wonder how long you'll have that caffeine high? :O)

Kathleen said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe I misspelled y'all! You know how I am about spelling, so thank you, Crossview, for setting me straight. I will try to use the word more often and at least learn how to spell it correctly!