Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Fall Break

I think it's because I know we're going to start a new curriculum in a couple of days (UPS says my box will be here Wednesday!). Or maybe it's because my house is a mess. Or a bit of both. All I know is that today was NOT a school day. So I decided we would take our Fall Break today...or maybe all week. And after declaring it Fall Break, I promptly turned it into Fall Cleaning Day (much to my children's chagrin).

Our cleaning day turned into a larger project than I anticipated because I decided to attack the "empty-the-whole-toybox" project. With three capable kids, you'd think this project would go quickly; however, my "helpers" much preferred the role of supervising my pile of Goodwill toys over the actual cleaning up. This is how our conversations went: "No, Mom, you can't get rid of that!" "But you never play with it." "Because I didn't know where it was!" Hmmm...

I have to admit, we made some pretty good finds. Like Mr., er, Ms. Potato Head...


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