Monday, May 21, 2007

My Little Engineer

After the park today, we spent some time at another of our hang-outs (it doesn't rank as a "favorite", however): Wal-Mart. We returned one of Jacob's presents, and he was excited to choose a replacement. Surprisingly, the decision process did not even drag out as long as the process was the other day when we turned in our Chuck E. Cheese tickets for cheap little trinkets. Thankfully, we didn't add another cheap trinket to our Cheap Trinket Collection at home because Jacob found a racecar track that he particularly liked. When we got home, I knew that there would be some assembly, but I didn't know the instructions would look as complicated as the 99-step directions we had to follow for setting up the playground in the backyard. With dinner to cook and a baby princess to bathe and get in bed, I really wasn't able to help, nor would I have been all that helpful with that sort of thing; assembling monsters, Spider-Man car shooters, train tracks and racecar tracks is really Mark's forte. All evening, it was very quiet in the house, especially in the boys' room. I finally was able to check their progress. With pride oozing from every little bone in his body, Michael showed me the track he had assembled. Apparently at some point, the princess made off with one important piece, but the boys seemed no worse for wear, and Michael had rigged something with some sort of widget to replace the missing piece. He's quite a little engineer!

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