Saturday, January 8, 2011

Weekend Snapshot - Powered by Basketball & Snow Angels

We woke up to a beautiful winter wonderland. This snowstorm was not like the other. Big, fluffy snowflakes drifted serenely to the ground, and instead of being violently forced to relinquish any brave snowflake who dared alight on its branches, the trees invited the white powder to rest gracefully on every twig, nook, and crook. It was and is lovely.

golf course trees

Sweet Shot Day


The kids were ready to don their snowsuits and dive into the snow first thing this morning, but first we had basketball games to win.

Alex with ball

Michael on the move2

Alex and Michael both did great; I think summer basketball camp really paid off.


When we got home, it was time to embrace the beautiful world God painted for us to enjoy.

Jacob sled

Michael sled

Audrey snow chunk1



dclouser said...

Beautiful photos! But seeing all that snow doesn't make me envy you at all. Glad the kids are enjoying it, though!

Katie said...

What a fun day! And I really like your S&S shots!

Anonymous said...

Those snow photos are awesome!!

Kristen @ Joyfullythriving said...

I like all of your pictures - the shoe verses and the snow shots! Lovely.

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

Beautiful.. and great scriptures!!!! Welld one.

Liz said...

love how fun your day turned out to be. All for His glory.

Rosie@leavesnbloom said...

I woke up to scenes like that again today. I loved that picture of your son on the sledge. Great scriptures to go along with the photos.

Mommy2Four said...

Great and BEAUTIFUL!

Ashley Sisk said...

Your snowy shots are absolutely beautiful.

Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

Lovely! Great S&S shots.

How busy are your weekends now with Upward? Are the game schedules very different for each child?

tsinclair said...

Love the pictures and the scriptures.

MarieElizabeth said...

A wonderful group of photos, they made me smile!

bek said...

Love the edit on the wall. And thanks for stopping by. =)

Jenn said...

Wonderful shots! I love your two s/s shots. PERFECT verses for each one of them.

Emily said...

What a fun time and your Scripture and Snapshot pics are wonderful!

Zhanna said...

Those photos of snow and the scripture on running for the prize is just absolute perfection!

Unknown said...

your snow shots are gorgeous!!


deb duty said...

Wow! Love the berries in the snow. Enjoyed your description of the snowfall too. Beautiful!

Natalie said...

Love the first two snowy scene shots! The red in those 'berries' just jump right out of it's white surroundings!

Unknown said...

Your winter shots are gorgeous!