Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Everything Homeschool

Every year at this time, I have friends--sometimes even mere acquaintances--ask me questions about homeschooling. Not that I'm some expert or anything; I guess people just know I love to talk, especially on topics about which I am passionate. Over the years, I have gone from trying to compile lists of resources for each individual "asker" to finally coming up with a Word file of resources I've entitled "Homeschooling Info."

It crossed my mind, though, that instead of emailing this almost static document to anyone who asks, I could just create a website that would include any and all topics Homeschool that I could think of. So...drumroll please...I present to you the Homeschool Bulletin Board. I hope it will be a helpful resource for rookie and seasoned homeschoolers alike; I know homeschooling can be as daunting a task for both groups and all those in between.

I invite you to take a look and pass on the link. Knowing that it is a new site, there is still much information to be posted, and I know it will be a work in progress because the World of Homeschool is WIDE out there, my friends.


Ben Byerly said...

Great resources. Check your link; www.blogger.com jumped on to the front of your URL.

CrossView said...

Cool! I did something similar years ago. If you'd like to dig through and take any links, help yourself. Mine was geared at doing everything online....

@nnie said...

wow! I'm very impressed. I'll send the link on to a very good friend of mine who homeschools.

dclouser said...

Good job on the website! I'll pass it on to our mission home schoolers. I like the way you have all the curriculum links in one place. Very user-friendly site!

mareseatoats said...

That is a great idea. Can't wait to visit. We are on vacation rigt now so I'll be sure to check into it fully when we get back.