Speaking of falling out spacers, though. I noticed in the paperwork you sent home that there is an entire page devoted to the instructions on what I should do in the event that a spacer does fall out. I want you to know that should that occur, I do not intend to follow any of the directions except the last one which says, "If you have any problems, please contact our office." To me, if one of the spacers falls out, that is a problem. I will not attempt to re-insert the spacer myself. You are the tooth professional, not I.
Until next week,
P.S. - Since you have asked me to accomplish a task for which I am not trained, I wish to inform you that a brand new Schoolbox store just moved into my area. Now we are even: you tried to lure me into your world of teeth; I, well, I'm just explaining why I'm doing the happy dance over here.
Homeschooling...homeorthodontics, what's the diff?
Don't you just love those instructions? We finished one set, I thought Austin would starve before he got used to his expander.
Crossing my fingers that Matthew will not need any. The college fund is not looking to good these days. :-)
Is Schoolbox a home school store? Sounds like it must be a fun place from the name! Hope you survive the orthodontics. You would think there would be so much competition that the price would come down since every other kid you meet has braces these days!
They want YOU to re-insert it? Ohmy! I'm with you! That is so out of my area of expertise. Though I'm not sure I have an area...
We don't have a Schoolbox near us but we do have a Teacher's Tools. I try to avoid it since I tend to drool all over the merchandise. But Schoolbox looks even cooler going by the link...
Like I'd go anywhere near a child's mouth with one of those things.
Don't people know they BITE???
Wow...my paperwork didn't have instructions on putting the spacers back in myself. Mine said if they fall out, call the office! Two of Abbi's did fall out, but I could still get doubled-up floss in there smoothly, so I didn't have to take her to get the spacers put back in.
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