Monday, October 5, 2009


I'm a big Glenn Beck fan. Yeah, sometimes his Doom and Gloom unnecessarily feeds by tendencies towards worry, but I appreciate his humor, his parody, his honesty, and his curiosity.

If you haven't been following him, you have missed all of his investigations on the community organizing group ACORN. Apparently, it hasn't been lost on my 4-year-old, though (and don't worry--we turn off any inappropriate content):

Today I turned on Beck's show and Audrey said, "Hey, there's the guy who always talks about nuts!"


Unknown said...

We listen to Beck, too. I have to turn off the radio when the Zencore ads start, but otherwise it is okay.

dclouser said...

I have to confess that I'm in Audrey's camp - I have no clue what ACORN is so I would think he's talking about nuts as well! Do you think I'm a little out of it, by any chance??

CrossView said...

You know, she pegged it. She may just be understanding more than the majority! LOL!

Politics could just be in her future...

Linda said...

I thought your daughter hit the nail right on the head.
Oh yeah, I like Beck.

@nnie said...

that is a great comment. funny AND true! :-)