Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You Capture - Red (and Yellow and Blue)

As the resident phake photographer, I suppose when I am given the You Capture assignment RED, I am expected to post pictures of shiny ruby-colored apples and lovely crimson cardinals. However, since we've all been taking turns enduring the Crud in our house, I have been unable to take the kids on any field trips to the local orchard or on any nature walks.

The assignment did, however, inspire me to do a hands-on lesson with the Princess which I have been putting off. (I think I may have gotten this idea from Mitzi, but I'm not positive. I do know we did this at our old co-op. Anyway, just trying to give credit where credit is due.)

So the lesson was about primary and secondary colors...a little color wheelin'. Of course, all of the children wanted to "learn" this when they realized it involved icing and vanilla wafers. So why not? They could use a refresher course.

First, we mixed the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow.

Then we mixed a little red and yellow, a little red and blue (and a little blue and yellow) to make our secondary colors.

And then the icing was carefully spread on the wafers.

And the wafers were neatly consumed.

(Note: For the convenience and economic value of the experiment, I employed my cheap, generic Wal-Mart food coloring rather than my pricey Wilton colors. Therefore, my red is not the reddest red, nor is my blue all that blue. I could have cheated and re-colorized the pictures, but that would be, um, cheating.)

For some real photos of RED, visit Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry.


CrossView said...

That's it! I'm moving to your house! You educate in the sweetest way! YUM!

Mamí♥Picture said...

Yum yum! COOKIES!!!
Your baby girl is PRECIOUS!
Great Capture!
"Here is my RED" <--Hope u like =)

Smileyhappychan said...

What a great idea for teaching the color wheel! I'm very impressed - also with your thinking outside the box for the color red. Thanks for posting!

Jenn@ The Crazies said...

YUM.... looks good!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

LOL, yummy fun!

Truth said...

We've been sick here too. What a great idea,though, very creative.

Unknown said...

Your daughter is extraordinarily beautiful! I would love to take her picture : ) Your art colors are fab! So perfect! And it totally ok if your red isn't the most fabulous of all reds : ) At least you tried! Great post!

Diana Lesjak said...

Beautiful... great shots, great fun!

~Rhen @yestheyareallmine said...

Love the story with the pics. Makes the pictures even more enjoyable.