Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Conversations with a Four-Year-Old

Audrey: When is Halloween?

Me: Tomorrow.

Audrey: (cue high, shrill, excited voice) Tomorrow?!!!!

Me: Yep!

Audrey: Does that mean when I wake up it will be dark, and we can go Trick-or-Treating?!!!!


audrey said...

I love it. That's so cute. My 5 year old has been asking me all. morning. (and it's only 10:30 am). It's gonna be a long day...

Unknown said...

We are heading off to a costume contest, and then trick-or-treating. It should be a fun, long day.

ballast photography said... cute :) I miss those days.

Thanks so much for your encouraging comment yesterday--it brightened my day.

I'm behind on my blog reading/commenting due to my not-a-pig-plague sickness :) Off to catch up on your anticipated grafting story!

CrossView said...

I so hope she got waaaaaaaay too much good stuff!

How was the excitement level all day? LOL!