Monday, December 28, 2009

Conquering My Sweet Tooth

I would make a terrible recovering addict. And, no, I'm not confessing here. It's just a hypothetical based on the fact that I can't make it a day without sneaking a cookie. It's no secret I've spent the better part of December elbow deep in chocolate and icing. So it's no surprise that every cell in my body is pleading with me for a salad. My sweet tooth, however, is not, at this point, on talking terms with the cells.

I'm not a huge New Year's Resolutions person because I hate setting myself up for failure. I'm thinking, though, that since my family and I did quite well eating healthy for the majority of 2009, we can raise the bar a bit in 2010.

And on to 2010 I march...I actually did make it on to the treadmill today. And it was only 1 1/2 cookies. I can't give my Sweet Tooth the cold turkey treatment, can I?


CrossView said...

Thankfully, it's so much easier when all the goodies are gone! ;o) Ours didn't last long and I wasn't quick enough. My kids are no longer little....

YAY! for getting on the treadmill. Was it actually turned on? Did you actually tread? 'Cause I would totally count just standing on it...

Kathleen said...

LOL Crossview! Yes, it was on. Yes, I tread! For a whole 30 minutes = 2.09 miles!! :-)

@nnie said...

I can so relate to you on this one.... I am shoveling bananas and yogurt in my mouth as I read your blog, not because I want to, but because I think my body is calling out for some nutrition. I could live on Pepsi and chocolate with some cheese thrown in. I like how you said that.... raise the bar in 2010. I'm going to start thinking like that too!

Kathleen said...

And I DID NOT mean candy bar, Annie! ;)

Bunch of Barrons said...

I have a terrible sweet tooth myself...I always know I'll feel better if I eat right, but it's SO HARD! HOpefully I can work on this in the New Year, too. But I'm with you, I usually totally avoid resolutions because I feel like no one, including me, follows through with them. I do better when there's not so much pressure. Good luck! :)

tsinclair said...

It is hard, especially when you make such yummy treats. :-)

My mom had forgotten to give the kids a box of chocolates and went back for it...I said NO, please keep it...we have too much now. I tried to be good. :-)

@nnie said...

oh darn... i was thinking Three Musketeers bars, Snickers bars, etc. Cheers!

Lauren said...

You might like Treats and the bad mother.

For a realistic step-down, try cutting out sugar-enhanced things on one day of the week -- perhaps Thursday for the first quarter/half of the year, then cut them out on a second day for the next period of the year.

I, too, love sweet things but managed to give them all up while pregnant with #2. (Sadly, I'm back on them.) So it can be done!