Sunday, May 24, 2009

All the World's a Stage...

...even for especially for my little princess. She waited quite patiently all afternoon for her daddy to install a ceiling fan in her sister's room. And for her mom to feverishly pour over and plan VBS stuff. In the midst of all the waiting, she planned out her puppet show down to the last detail: the "stage", seating assignments, and sort of a script. We were finally all seated, and she began.

"This is the beach," she explained as she marched two popsicle sticks across the up-ended end of the ottoman. "And this is an alien," she indicated, describing one of the popsicle sticks. The alien stick took a dive into the ocean. "I can't swim! I can't swim!" she said in her best alien voice.

"And this is Darf Bader." She introduced another character, and this is where the plot kind of fell apart. I think there was a light saber fight. Or two. And..."His head fell off."

I'm afraid the influence of two big brothers runs deep through her creative veins.

Note to self: Research ways to train her so that she retains some semblance of royal etiquette despite the boys.


Darcie Johnson said...

I had three older brothers growing up and I believe that was some boy training for the 2 boys of my own. No matter how much I refused to buy toy guns they would turn everything into a gun or a sword and kill everything in sight! Boys...still waiting for them to grow-up.

CrossView said...

Storytelling from her mom - details from her brothers!
Love it!

When mine was younger, she would guilt her big brother into playing Barbie with her. He used one that had a monster head on it.

Courtney said...

"Darf Bader"? How funny! And cute!

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