Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God's Perfect Timing - One More Thought about the Pup

One of the first thoughts that popped into my mind when we first heard the Big News was, Oh, well that's why we were never able to sell the house! Throughout this whole event, I have been constantly aware of God's hand over, in, and through it. And, believe or not, even the acquisition of that crazy dog was His perfect timing.

After plans were underway for the move and I began to realize how extra crazy life was with the dog, I wondered about the timing. Why would God have brought this dog into our lives knowing we were about to embark on such an adventure of transition? It didn't take me long to realize the answer was that because of this dog, I woke up consistently at an early hour during that month prior to our move. And each morning after enjoying a few moments of the peace and quiet of the early morning sky and the waking of the birds, I would spend time with God. And it was during that time I received the absolute peace about all of the crazy events in my life.

If you know me, you know I am not generally peaceful about craziness. In fact, this move would have been the perfect opportunity for me to Freak Out. But I felt peace like I have never before experienced in a situation like this, and I know it was because of those early morning moments with God.

So I know that Crazy Daisy had her purpose in our lives. And now I hope she brings joy to this other family for whom she is filling an empty spot. It was hard for me to give her away in spite of my big sigh of relief. One of my biggest regrets was leaving the kids without a canine friend, although I'm not sure they were all that traumatized: I had tears streaming down my face in front of all of the receptionists, vets, vet's assistants, and customers at the vet's office where we dropped Daisy off, and in the midst of our doggy good-byes, Jacob nonchalantly asked, "What's for lunch?"


Unknown said...

His will. Very cool.

Rachelp said...

I am so glad God used you to bless this family... :)

dclouser said...

Seeing God's hand in the events and circumstances of life is such a blessing. And the peace that comes from taking time to hear from Him is what makes life manageable. So great to hear that your transition has been peaceful and that the kids have done well. They have each other so I don't think a dog is necessary to give them a full life!

CrossView said...

*sniff* Beautiful! He will get our attention - one way or another! ;o)

tsinclair said...

awww...I can just see you crying at the vet. I know it was a hard decision, maybe more so for you than the kids. :-)

Even though I miss you guys being right around the corner, I am just so happy for you - happy that you have the peace and answers. They do not always come in the time frame we want, but they do come. :-)