Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pierced Ears

The Princess has decided she wants her ears pierced. I don't know what brought it on except for the discussion we had where she commented on my earrings, asked for some, and then listened with rapt attention as I explained that I had holes in my ears. It comes up every Sunday because I actually put on earrings on Sunday. No different today:

"Mommy, can I get my ears pierced?" she asks with those angelic eyes and sweet voice that doesn't quite enunciate the "r" in "ears", and she gingerly fingers mine.

"Not right now. We'll wait until after we're done swimming for the year," I explain because I know that goggles, pool water, and general aquatic horseplay will not bode well with sensitive ears.

I forgot about this morning's conversation until I was helping her get her swimming suit on this afternoon. As she struggled to make her hand meet the arm hole, she asked, "After we get out the pool, I get my ears pierced?"

What a sweet little girl. She is just much too adorable for words.

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