Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pool Fun

My little Princess has turned into a bug...a pool bug! She decided she wanted to try one of her sibling's goggles. As delicate as she likes to pretend to be, I thought the goggles would pinch her face and we'd end up with a big poolside meltdown. However, once they were on, she refused to take them off, and...they actually boosted her confidence in the water! She's now enjoying putting her face in the water and even doing some paddling minus the ring with only her wings. We might have all 4 swimming by the end of the summer!

Jacob has been swimming now for about a week and is doing great!

Sea Monster!

1 comment:

CrossView said...

As always, love the photos! And I'm so glad they're giving her a confidence boost... I spent most of my childhood summers with red, chlorine eyes! LOL!