Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Birthday Precedents

I think we set a dangerous birthday precedent back in May, one which dictates that each child should be thrown multiple parties over a general period of time near to the date on which we celebrate said child's actual date of birth. These various parties have been dubbed "fake birthdays" and "real birthdays." The idea behind the multiple parties is that the child be able to enjoy a fun birthday party with friends and celebrate a quiet birthday with family. The eldest son is already campaigning for his series of parties, and the other day when he began a sentence with "For my fake birthday, I want to..." we cut him off short with an explanation that he may well get only one REAL birthday party in 2008.

There is one gal, however, who really deserves nothing less than a few fake birthday parties on top of the flimsy real birthday party she had. This is the sweet eight-year-old who spent 12 hours of her birthday in the car sitting next to a pukey little sister. Alex was a great sport about everything...the long drive, the pukey sister, the simple ice cream cake the next day. And no presents to boot because she already opened those at the fake birthday and Christmas gift-opening ceremony in Florida. But she's always sharing her birthday with Christmas, so we're planning another little Fake Birthday shin-dig for the first of the year. Hopefully, this will make her 8th year memorable rather than going down in the books as "That year I didn't really have a birthday."

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