Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Pain in the Neck

Yeah, I know. It's been awhile. I have a valid excuse. A week and a half ago, I woke up with a crick in my neck. It got progressively worse and as is my usual fashion, I procrastinated on calling Dr. Quack. I finally called and have been receiving daily [expensive] treatment since.

One thing I know for certain: my pain in the neck is at least partially punishment for all of the precious hours I waste on the likes of Facebook and Blogger. There is, at this point, no comfortable way for me to access this evil machine. As I write, I am sitting on my favorite recliner, ice pack on my shoulder, rolled up blanket behind my neck, and my computer on top of my lap desk which is balanced on a pillow on my lap. And did I mention that after I finally got sort of comfortable in this position, the phone rang? Yeah, forgot the phone. I yelled to the kids to answer it, but they got to it too late. Not a big deal. Just annoying.

This morning I actually woke up feeling not quite so bad. At least the pain of having been frozen in the same position all night did not cause me excruciating pain when I tried to delicately roll out of bed. And when I say roll, I mean that literally. However, as is my usual fashion, I took my feeling better to mean that I should DO Things. Like vacuum. Oh, and move a desk.

You see, I really want a desk in the family room. I realize a desk will not look that great in our already crowded family rom, but it is for Functionality's Sake. Unfortunately, my dear husband has not seen my vision and thus has not moved my desk into the family room. In cases such as these, I take it upon myself to move the furniture where I want it in order to surprise him when he gets home: "Surprise! The table you didn't want in the middle of the living room is now there. But doesn't it look much more lovely than you ever imagined?"

I had the boys, for the most part, move the desk according to my direction. But then of course there are other things that need to be moved. The desk was the Princess's art table in her room, so I had to move a table from upstairs into its space. But there was the crabs' terrarium on top of the table, so that had to be moved as well. I suppose in retropect, this was not as urgent of a project as I deemed, and it could well have waited until a later date when my neck is healed.

Waiting would go against my usual fashion, though.


Unknown said...

I hope that you are feeling better soon.

Teacher Mommy said...

Um. Yeah. I have felt your pain. Heal. THEN move furniture.

CrossView said...

I would fuss at you about moving stuff too early. But hey - I'm a mom, so I've been guilty of the same. My husband says I'm hard-headed. But what does he know?

Have the docs figured out what the problem is? And is it just temporary?

And the phone thing? It's a phone. Let it ring. ;o)

Bunch of Barrons said...

So sorry! Hope you are feeling better. But I totally understand not waiting until later to get things done. I did that one time while I was humongously pregnant with our daughter and rearranged our bedroom furniture. My husband just shakes his head. :)

tsinclair said...

I could also fuss at you, but I have also done similar things many times. I wonder if it is a woman thing? Do men HAVE to act when it gets in their head? Why is it once we have made up our mind, it must be done then?
Well, act least while you are recuperating you can rest mentally knowing the desk is moved. :-)

Unknown said...

my massage lady could help you out...

ballast photography said...

I can't believe I'm reading this--it's soooo familiar. I've been battling neck pain with an arsenal of expensive treatments for the better part of two months. I'm strictly chiropractic at this point--the medical doctor prescribed muscle relaxers that I took exactly once and became a zombie for 24 hours. No thanks--I'd actually prefer the pain!

It's MUCH better now than it was--but still not "normal." Whatever that is--I really can't remember.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

Linda said...

Aww...I'm sorry about your neck, but I'm glad it's doing a bit better! I spend so much time at my computer. I think I'm a neck ache waiting to happen!

Lauren said...

Come back to us.... We're calling you...

Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

Been there; done I can't fuss at you! :) I hope you aren't paying for your moving project today! And I hope your desk looks lovely, and that your husband agrees. ;)

Unknown said...

Still alive?