Thursday, March 25, 2010

I've got the homeschooling blechs

If you're not aware of my teeny, tiny obsession with curriculum and books, you must be new here. Welcome. I was over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers this morning and had to chuckle when Kris noted,"Isn't it funny how the curriculum that we're so excited about now will be the stuff we're tired of looking at by this time next year?" It was a nervous chuckle, though, because I know how true that is.

And it kind of hit me hard because I've been planning lately. For next year. Yes, I know it's only March. Honestly, the reason I've been thinking ahead to next year is because I am so very weary with this year. I'm trying my very hardest not to buy anything--yet--because as I noted in a comment for Kris, I do not want to tire of year 2010-2011 before it even arrives.

Next year will hold an added element of fun and interest that should help keep it alive. You see, I have found my soulmate when it comes to obsessive-too-early-planning-for-the-next-year. We were comparing notes and realized our science choice was identical. "Why don't we get together once a week next year and do science together?" my friend suggested. Let's see...divide up the work, gain an opportunity for some adult interaction...That's a no-brainer. Of course, there is the socialization factor for the kids which is an added benefit, though they are already so socialized that point is moot.

Well, then we got to comparing notes on history. "You know," she said, "our history choices are the same too. Why don't we get together once a week and teach the kids science and history?" Then we started talking art curriculum. Well, I won't go through the conversation again, but now we have all the plans in place to have a day in our very own little academy with science, history and art on the lesson plan book for that day. I think it'll be a lot of fun.

Of course, as we talked and planned, our ideas began to snowball and some of our choices have changed. In fact, in the area of history we are now undecided on what we will teach. So we have a little day outing on tap for Monday wherein we will venture out to a couple of different homeschool curriculum shops in our area to see what's out there. Of course, I'll hate going, but if I have to, I have to. I'm just trying to think of a way to count this as a field trip.


Unknown said...


I have hit my wall, too. I so understand.

Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

I completely understand, too...and isn't it so hard to motivate the kids with SPRING FEVER while we have spring fever, too? Even if ours is taking a different form...Blech.

I counted yard work and basketball play as school time today...and we didn't get much else "done." I officially give you permission to count your trip on Monday as a field trip. ;)

CrossView said...

A mini-co-op! Now that sounds awesome... Ok, I'm jealous. ;o)

But I'm not sure that going shopping with someone like you will help with curriculum burn-out. ROFL! But the good news is that the expense will be lowered...

Sounds like fun!

Did I mention I'm jealous??!!

I don't normally have that issue. I finally realized it's because I don't have a "curriculum". Not a pre-packaged one, anyway. I ask mine what she wants to study for, say, History. Last time she said she wanted to do WW2. So we got different books on it and sidelined about Hitler and there's lots of movies, etc. So when we've finished all that, we move on to something else. So we do buy different stuff throughout the year...

I'm through rambling now.

Kathleen said...

Amy ~ I'm so counting it now!!

Crossview ~ Now I'm the jealous one. I wish I was that spontaneous. I think the kids would enjoy school more!

Unknown said...

Yesterday we had a spontaneous movie day. General Mayhem watched the civil war epic “Gettysburg.” He followed that with a war documentary titled “21 Days to Baghdad.” Then he watched a documentary on Stalag Luft III where the Great Escape took place. Why? Because the movies had to be returned today. That was a brief departure from his history unit on the modern age. Spontaneity is good. He’s probably still ahead of his public school counterparts. Be spontaneous. It’s good for everyone. It certainly cannot hurt!

Bunch of Barrons said...

I think is probably an easy time of year to get burned out. I remember it happening in school, so I'm sure it's the same when you're teaching. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

I realized recently that I've probably purchased my last curriculum--with the exception of a math or science book down the road. Sniff. No more curriculum shopping. No more need to go the Expo in August. Sniff.

And part of it is YOUR fault!! :oP I'm planning to put my son in your English 1 class next year, so I don't even have to buy any language arts stuff for him. Sniff.

My days as a homeschooling mom are definitely numbered....WAH!!!

@nnie said...

as a psedo homeschooler, I will just say that your mini-academy sounds just amazing and that you are even making ME catch the bug for new curriculum!

tsinclair said...

Counting it as a field trip...brilliant. Let's see, there will be research, social development, food tasting (more then likely), budgeting. I think you are on to something. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am in the same boat...blech! I get like this every year. I guess that it is a good thing that the major schooling decision we made in the midst of my blech just fell through. The hybrid we had applied for isn't taking 3rd graders since they didn't get enough of them. I don't want to send one and not the other so we are back where we started. I need motivation and inspiration...and change. Looks like I'll be shopping curriculum too. :-) I do love the hunt.