Saturday, November 26, 2011

The Day After Thanksgiving

One of my favorite days of the year is the day after Thanksgiving. It's the day I get to unbox all of the Christmas memories. The day everyone humors me and lets me blast my Trans Siberian Orchestra and - dare I say it? - my Kenny G holiday tunes. And the day whose end finds our home decked out in all sorts of Christmas regalia. Most importantly, it's the day I get to hang out with my family, fulfilling all kinds of traditional rituals.

First, there are the annual ornament gifts.
ornament gifts

I try to select a meaningful ornament for each child that captures some memory from the year. For example, this year Audrey received a replica of one of her favorite books of the year.
ornament Wild Things

Naturally, the decorating comes next. As usual, the Princess is the only one who ever cooperates for any photos.

Audrey decorating

Santa Audrey

Audrey decorating2

After decorating is the all-important hot chocolate. It must be thick. It must be chocolaty. And it must have a maximum number of marshmallows topped by gobs of whipped cream.
hot chocolate

hot chocolate Jacob

hot chocolate Michael

hot chocolate Alex

I was surprised that my favorite part of the Day After Thanksgiving this year was the reading of A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree.
A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree

I was worried there would be some eye rolling, some snickering, and some "Are we really going to read this baby book again?" comments. But there weren't. Everyone sat expectantly while I retrieved the book. And they listened with rapt attention.

I hope they never get too old for the reading of A Wish to Be a Christmas Tree.


mountain mama said...

good times! glad to see you back :)

Bunch of Barrons said...

Looks like a wonderful day! :)

CrossView said...

I LOVE that book and I'm waaaaaay old! Who could ever outgrow that story... *sniff* Looks like a beautiful day with your beautiful family!

Jennifer Dougan said...

What fun, Kathleen, to be able to peek into your family night. Lovely photos.

Jennifer Dougan

tsinclair said...

Awww...I really like the idea of selecting an ornament for each child. I take the boys and let them select one each year, but me selecting one based on my thoughts of them that particular year sounds nice.
And...I think I will continue with Black Friday, however I will actually go out on Friday - no more overnight shopping trips. It was not worth it.

dclouser said...

That hot cocoa makes me want to run and make some. Seeing the bear on Audrey's sweatshirt reminded me of a book I read to 2nd grade at the library today called Bear Noel!

Amy @ Cheeky Cocoa Beans said...

Sigh...such gorgeous photos to remember such a great day. :) I've never heard of that book--will have to check it out.

BTW, my 9 year old highly approves of your hot chocolate ingredients. (I do, too, although I'm not so sure I'd be willing to share with the kiddos. Just kidding...Maybe...)